Sunday 29 January 2012

Sheffield University

In addition to running my "normal" Health and Safety Consultancy business, I'm also assisting Sheffield University by acting as Head of Safety Services on a three day a week basis for three or four months. This project is both demanding and challenging and draws upon my knowledge and experience in several areas, including:
  • asbestos safety and management
  • legionella safety
  • work at heights
  • electrical safety
  • control of contractors
  • fire safety
  • biosafety
  • record keeping
  • teaching and training
  • many other areas and aspects of health and safety.

In addition to the above, there are many meetings to attend in a range of guises. In several I am present as a Safety Advisor, while in others I'm present as a Head of Department, and in others I'm there to discuss project funding and budgetary planning.
Recently, I have provided a one day training session for "Senior Executives", providing quite a change to a lot of other training that I provide.
Some of the role involves writing and reviewing various safety related policies.
I'm also responsible for the existing Safety Services Team. Managing this team is very different from managing my team of safety consultants.